Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who Will Teach Law Schools to Teach the Obligation to Strive to Promote Justice, Fairness and Morality?

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama

Today's topic is about justice and the traditional law schools.

I just found something sent to me from the Progressives' Election Coalition (PEC) some time ago. PEC was formed to work to elect progressive candidates. PEC's goals included

Ending the US occupation of Iraq
Universal health care
Combat global warning
Election integrity
Pubic financing of federal campaign
Fast-track, alternative energy programs emphasizing renewable
Reform corporate media
Institute corporate social responsibility
Equal rights for all US residents
A national living wage and support for the right to organize
Fair trade
Restoration of our Constitutional rights
Open and honest government
Strenghthen public education
Fair and simplified tax code
National security based on diplomacy and elimination of root causes of
Perhaps most importantly, buidling a culture based on peace, social justice
compassion and generosity, rather than fear, greed and aggression.

Millions of Americans hope that the election of Barack Obama will mean that steps will be taken to reach these goals.

According to the MacCrate Report one of the four fundamental values of the legal profession is "Striving to Promote Justice, Fairness and Morality. As a member of a profession that bears special responsibility for the quality of justice, a lawyer should be committed to the values of .. promoting justice, fairness and Morality in One's Own Daily Practice."

Does or did the law school you attended teach you that?

Does or did your law school rely on on-campus interviewing to funnel its students to large law firms representing large corporations?

Based on the election of Barack Obama and his platform to the extent we know it, will your law school substantially restructure its curriculum and its career office so that its graduates will be prepared to take positions which will help to attain the goals above, many of which strive to promote justice, fairness and morality?

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